Toukkeron pienoinen BeBeautiful-kokoelma
Be Beautiful oli 2000-luvun alussa yksi Pohjois-Amerikan johtavista yaoikustantamoista ja oikea tapaus itsessään. BB oli Central Park Median alajaosto, joka oli erikoistunut yksinomaan yaoihin ja jonka lippulaiva oli Japanissa supersuosion saanut Kizuna-sarja. Loistavan alun jälkeen kustantamo alkoi kuitenkin kompuroida. Kävi ilmi, että kustantamo oli sensuroinut ja uudelleen editoinut muutamia sarjoja, joiden katsottiin sisältävän epämääräisiä kohtauksia esimerkiksi insestiä. Tällaisia sarjoja olivat mm. Kizuna, Golden cain, Selfish love ja Legend of Samurai Love. Sen jälkeen alkoi kuulua uutisia, joiden mukaan Be Beautiful oli mennyt julkaisemaan sarjoja, joihin sillä ei ollut edes lisenssejä - tämä tietenkin herätti närää lisenssin varsinaisten haltioiden keskuudessa. Lopputulos tästä kaikesta oli hyvin surullinen: Be Beautiful lopetti toimintansa ja jotakuinkin kaikki sen aloittamat sarjat jäivät kesken.
Suuri harmi tämän on etenkin siitä syystä, että BB keskittyi julkaisemaan hyvin tietynlaista yaoita. Sen sarjoissa ei juuri shotaa (pareja joista toinen tai molemmat ovat hyvin nuorennäköisiä poikia) nähdä, vaan yaoit ovat tyyliltään hyvin miehisiä ja vakava teemaisia. Tähän alle olen listannut kaikki löytämäni BB:n kustantamat yaoit. Osa niistä on onneksi löytänyt tiensä uudelleenjulkaistavaksi muiden kustantamojen, kuten June mangan kautta. Suurin osa on valitettavasti edelleen kesken. Osia-kohtaan olen merkinnyt BB:n julkaisemien osien määrän ja erottanut kauttaviivalla sarjan todellisen pituuden.
Casino Lily (Yaouka Nitta)
Osia: 1
Magira Yuri is a gambler with an international reputation for success. His frosty blonde hair and piercing amber eyes have earned him the nickname "Casino Lily" by his legion of fans. The world is his oyster until he travels to a famous Las Vegas casino, where he meets the handsome owner, Anthony Monte Carlo. Now Magira must master a new game, one of cat and mouse, where the winner takes all: including the body and heart of his opponent!
Embracing Love (Yaouka Nitta)
Osia: 5/14
This is a love story about Iwaki and Kato - two impossibly gorgeous looking actors that feel an immediate attraction to one another, but don't know how to express their love. Gradually, they nurture and embrace their feelings, and begin the most romantic relationship of their lives!
Finder series (Ayano Yamane)
Target in the Finder
Cage in the Finder
One wing in the Finder
Osia: 3/7 (June on aloittanut sarjan uudelleenjulkaisun)
During a routine journalism assignment, Akihito Takara is captured by the mysterious Asami, a powerful leader in Japan's underworld society. Asami forces his captive to undergo a night of pleasure and pain never before imagined, but before long, the son of a powerful Chinese mafia boss also sets his sights upon Akihito, demanding the critical evidence he's uncovered-or is it something else about him he seeks?
Golden cain (You Asagiri)
Osia: 1
Shun works very hard to live up to the memory of his older brother, even at the cost of his personal life. Suddenly, a beautiful stranger comes into his life and takes Shun on a ride down a dangerous road of love, loss, lust, guilt, passion, and taboo! Shun craves excitement, and the stranger gives it to him...but at what cost?
Kizuna: Bonds of love (Kazuma Kodaka)
Osia: 8-9/11 (9. osa ei koskaan ilmestynyt, vaikka siitä oli jo kansi julkaistu)
Three's a crowd. Ranmaru and Kei have a strong and passionate relationship built on years of trust, sacrifice and love. When the mysterious son of a Yakuza boss starts to have designs on Ranmaru's affection, tempers flare, and hidden emotions rise to the surface. Will Ranmaru and Kei's love for each other be able to survive this difficult test, or will the emotional conflict finally come to a head?
Arvostelu (Osat 1-2)
Arvostelut (Osat 3-8)
Love a La Carte (Haruka Minami)
Osia: 1
The beautiful Izumi frequently models for members of the all-male Photography Club. However, Izumi has a secret admirer that has been yearning to get his attention: the cool and mysterious Shinooka. Things take a turn toward the erotic when the club members embark on a vacation together, spending a few weeks under the same roof. Will Izumi make a move? Will Shinooka declare his love?
Midaresomenishi: A legend of Samurai Love (Kazuma Kodaka)
Osia: 1
When a roguish samurai embarks upon a mission to rescue his brother from the clutches of a fiendish feudal lord, he himself becomes a pawn of the debauched villain. Subjugation, humiliation, and passion ensue in this long-awaited epic by Kazuma Kodaka. This stand-alone melodrama is perfect for first-time yaoi readers.
Play boy blues (Shiuko Kano)
Osia: 1/3
Selling one's body at Japan's most popular host club comes naturally for Junsuke Aki. In fact, he is the club's top earner and easily the most popular host with the female clientele. However, his lover, a former host named Shinobu Hishiya, has forsaken the wild club lifestyle in favor of his new job as a construction worker. Together, they share wild days and passionate nights, making love whenever, wherever, and however they want. But when jealousy and male pride arise, their blissful, sexy relationship may not be able to handle the strain.
Selfish love (Naduki Koujima)
Osia: 2
Ryuya was only trying to finish his university courses when he caught the eye of the wealthy and gorgeous Orito. As president of the prestigious Honors Society, Orito has the right to hand-pick his assistant . . . and he's chosen Ryuya! Campus politics aren't the only things on Orito's mind, and Ryuya is shocked to discover that his newfound suitor always gets what he wants.
Sound of My Voice (Yaouka Nitta)
Osia: 1/3
A lifelong dream of fame and fortune has been the driving force of Wataru Jouchi's entire life. Now, after much self-doubt, he's decided to fulfill his destiny and become a voice actor for anime videos. At first, he is thrilled to discover that his long-lost friend, Renji Kazama, is considered a top star in the industry. But Kazama does not seem at all pleased about their unexpected reunion.
Yebisu Celebrities (Kaoru Iwamoto & Shinri Fuwa)
Osia: 1/5
When Haruka Fujinami starts his job at Yebisu Graphics he takes an immediate dislike to his tyrannical boss, Mr. Daijou. Haruka is given the most menial tasks imaginable and is subjected to Daijou's verbal abuses as well, but oddly enough, he learns that his attraction to his boss grows with each new humiliation. Will Haruka finally stand up to Daijou and assert himself, or will he completely surrender his body and soul to the tall, dark stranger?
Virgin Soil (Haruka Minami)
Everything is going perfectly for Kuga, a top designer at a hip ad agency, until his friend introduces him to Nagisa, a uniquely beautiful man. Desperate for a way to get closer to the fetching newcomer, Kuga asks Nagisa to become the spokesmodel for the launch of his new unisex apparel campaign. With Nagisa aboard, Kuga is certain the campaign will be a success, but deep in his heart he knows that he actually craves something far more intimate than a business relationship.